Thursday, June 28, 2012

If you don't want my peaches, better not shake my tree

Write what you know. That is what I hear I am supposed to do. For most people, I am sure this works great. But, I find that writing what I know gets me in trouble. Apparently as adults we are held responsible for the lessons our peers missed out on in their formative years. However, part of it is probably my fault. There are two types of people in the world. Some people expect everyone to behave in a PC and friendly manner while in public, go out of the way not to offend anyone, never touch on sensitive topics, keep conversations light and about things like the weather, but not too much about the weather as to insinuate an opinion on global climate change. Others, myself in particular, expect there to be discourse while in public. 

I find people asking questions they are not prepared to hear the answer to, because apparently they expect a nice answer, even if it is a lie. Then, of course, I am the asshole that insults someone’s mother’s cooking or calls their sister fat, or says their boyfriend is a deadbeat. And I do not understand this. I am not the bad guy because I gave an unfavorable answer to a question. Sure, I could follow my mother’s advice and simply not say anything at all when I do not have anything nice to say, but I think that mentality is what leads to this hypersensitivity of my peers. If they want an honest answer, they should understand that it may not be a favorable one. 

Then there are the people that will gladly post their opinions in online forums or hold up signs in the streets or shout them from their microphone. Doing this, in my opinion, is allowing people to challenge your beliefs. And the best part of living in the time we do is the Internet is everywhere. Literally, the Internet in the air you breathe. Therefore, people should not be allowed to get away with the gross misinformation that they pass around as fact. No one would allow a person to walk around telling kids the Earth is flat! So, why not stop people from spouting their BS about school violence happening because of violent video games? Or Social Security being deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? Or Organic not being any healthier than GMO? I have the Internet, and as an avid user of the Internet I can quickly, and easily, look these things up and show people that their beliefs are not based in fact. And if they are voicing these opinions in any type of public forum, I think someone probably should step up and correct them. So, I am that guy.

Writing what I know and what I observe will never win me any friends. It will probably cost me a few.

Being well liked has never been one of my goals. 

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