Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Alert the PETA

Opiate addiction is nothing to joke about and that is why I am not kidding when I say that I plan on getting my parents dog addicted to opiates. If you are seriously concerned about this, I would stop reading now and simply call PETA. On that note, screw PETA. They do a lot worse to dogs than simply getting them addicted to Oxy.

Anyone that has ever met my parent’s dog knows she is more wild beast than she is dog. Marshawn Lynch would be jealous of this dog’s beast mode. Seriously, I think she is part coyote. She is like the dog from Marley and Me. The Evil with a dog face. Her face is really freaking cute though.

She has these great pointy ears and a long pointy snout. Her hair is long and shaggy, but not so long that it starts to curl at the ends. Her tail is bushy and curls up. Her coat is all black and she kind of looks like a wolf. Basically she is the prettiest dog ever. Unfortunately, just like the prettiest of girls, this dog’s personality sucks. This brings me to my desire to get this dog addicted to the form of opium prescribed by doctors.

It is impossible to walk into my parent’s house without the damn dog jumping all of you. This dog isn’t a crappy little lap dog; this is a 70+ pound beast of a dog. She is large and lean and Satan. No matter how much you yell, or ignore, or try to train this dog she just doesn’t give a fuck. Chai does what Chai wants. Therein lays the problem. Dogs are supposed to serve their master. However Chai gives the middle finger to that convention whenever it is possible. One of these days she is going to run into the street and get hit by a car, assuming she doesn’t die (because God has a sick sense of humor) she will hopefully learn her lesson.

My parent’s make excuses for her as if she were a rational human. They tell me that she lost her mom early, she was taken from her siblings, that my dad lets her do whatever she wants, and while all of these things may be true it doesn’t change the fact that this dog is the worst creature I have met.

Really, I am trying to help her and my parents. If I give this dog a Vicodin every day, hopefully she will just chill out and relax. Not jump on me and claw my legs until they bleed. She will be too high to jump on the counter and eat the pork chops mom is thawing for dinner. She won’t have the energy to put a rabbit in her mouth and run off on a walk. Jumping on the sliding back door will be a thing of the past.

Now, I recognize the flaw in this plan is putting this poor dog through withdrawals. But, my parents have plenty of Benadryl on hand to put her to sleep.

Maybe that is the real answer, just putting this dog to sleep. I don’t think Caesar Milan could fix this terrorist, but I am pretty sure a few hundred dollars and some sodium thiopental could. 

1 comment:

  1. I had often thought about making edibles for Muñeca in her last few months. Like, pot brownies for dogs... Just a thought.
