Thursday, December 19, 2013

Duck Hunt

People are quick to jump on the censorship bandwagon. Let’s be clear, there is a difference between censorship and not providing a platform for a person to spew their crazy. The comments Phil Robertson made are insensitive and ignorant, at best. While I can agree this country is too politically correct, I am not sure that is the issue when a person is comparing homosexuals to terrorists.

I understand that when it comes to right and wrong, there is no gray area with God. Anything that is not right is unquestionably wrong. No sin is better or worse than another. So cheating and murder are equal in God’s eyes. Someone needs to tell God equality is a myth. However, with this understanding of God’s view, it is easy to compare homosexuals to terrorists. In God’s eyes, both are wrong. The issue here is that Robertson did not make the clarification that all sin is created equal. He simply said God will sort them out later, the “homosexuals, drunks, and terrorists”.

His comments about women having more to offer with their vaginas than a man with his anus is graphic and little creepy while still attempting to be complimentary towards women, but it negates what is accepted within the medical community. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Obviously this comment does more than skirt the line of political correctness.

Credit does need to be given, though. Robertson does say that he loves everyone as God loves all of his children. Hate the sin, not the sinner? He acknowledges that it is not his place to judge; instead God will do that when the time comes. Unfortunately his delivery was off with everything else he said.

I am not even going to touch on his comments about working the fields. Instead, I am going to say that Christians need to remember that not everyone holds the same absolutist views they do. In fact, I would bet that if you ask most Christians, they would say lying is not as bad as stealing or killing. According God, they would be wrong, but as Robertson says “sin is not logical”.

So, A&E deciding to distance themselves from a man who makes blatantly a racist, homophobic, insensitive, and far from politically correct comment is not the same as censorship. Removing the soap box on which a person chooses to stand is not the same as putting a gag in their mouth. A&E is not saying he cannot hold these opinions, preach, do other interviews, etc. Instead A&E is saying they do not share these beliefs or opinions and do not want to be lumped in with this rhetoric; therefore they will not continue to fund a man who spouts these things.

Sure, the argument can be made that by affecting his livelihood A&E is figuratively gagging him, but I think that would be a hard stretch to make. The Robertson family is extremely wealthy. They have plenty of outlets and venues to make money. If anything, I would say this controversy has made them more popular than ever. Walmart will still sell their camouflage hunting gear. Churches are still booking Phil Robertson years in advance. Their company of duck whistles is going to continue selling and growing. This family will never hurt for money again. A&E taking a step back will hardly put a dent in the pocketbooks of Robertson’s.
A&E’s only responsibility is to themselves and their wallets. They owe this family nothing. The relationship was mutually beneficial until Robertson said some crazy things. Then it was up to A&E to protect themselves, their image, and their reputation (which could be argued started suffering long before airing such garbage as Duck Dynasty).

Lastly, can we please all agree that this is not some type of politically correct liberal conspiracy war on Christianity? Can we stop, please? There is no war on Christianity. If there is, I am pretty sure Christianity is winning. According to a recent Washington Post article, the government loses more than $70 billion a year in tax subsidies to churches. Anytime the Pope says anything, ever, at all, it is a headline story. You cannot walk down the street during winter without seeing Christmas trees and lights. Even saying happy holidays is a religious greeting if you understand the etymology of the words. Every day I see at least one person wearing a cross. Christians are more than welcome to express their beliefs. They seem to do it every day without even realizing it.

That being said, a private company does not have to agree with or support those beliefs. Backing away from these statements is not an act of war and insinuating so is leaning on hyperbole. There is no war or scandal by a company trying to protect its image and profits that is simply capitalism. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

We Are Gathered Here Today to Celebrate the Happiness...

I recently read a Huff Post article about banning weddings and baby showers. Honestly, I totally agreed with the article. The author made plenty of great points and my friend who posted the article received some backlash in the comments. So, fine banning weddings is a pipe dream, but can we please all agree that every wedding should have an open bar and allow the guests a plus one?

I know that some people get married extremely young and can’t drink at their wedding, but I have to say that is their damn fault. God forbid I get married, you better believe I am getting toasty on Champagne.  I know some people have addiction issues, but that isn’t my damn fault. I shouldn’t have to celebrate your happiness sober simply because you cannot handle your vices. Some people are on a tight budget I get it, but your open bar doesn’t have to be a full bar. Buy some bottles of wine and a keg or two, call it a day. At the very least, put a flask at every seat and make sure that flask is filled with booze. Like I said, I shouldn’t have to celebrate your happiness while sober.

The plus one issue is a little harder. I have plenty of friends who don’t allow plus ones unless the couple is in a long term serious relationship. Friends of mine have not given out plus ones to people who knew most of the guest list and also weren’t in a serious relationship because it is not like this person would really be alone (the bride and groom shared plenty of friends with this guest). People I know have picked which friends get to bring their significant other and which don’t based on the bride and groom’s feelings about that possible plus one.

I understand that weddings are expensive. I get it. But once again, your guests are being asked to celebrate your happiness and I don’t think they should have to be miserable for you to be happy. I know having wedding guests is expensive with food costs and rental fees for plates, chairs, tables, napkins, silverware, etc. I get it. However, your guests are probably spending a pretty penny on your wedding and I don’t think that should go unnoticed. Planning on sending a thank you card for the gift of ugly wine glasses you picked out is not the same as acknowledging them showing up just for you. Let them bring a date, because not everyone is guaranteed to go home with a bridesmaid or groomsmen or lonely, desperate guest. So, you might be dropping $100 per plate per person, but your guests are probably buying a new dress or suit and tie. They are buying you a gift. If your wedding is out of the area they are paying for travel and hotel. The least you could do is let them bring a guest.

Weddings have a guest list, I get that. Maybe you don’t want your wedding to exceed 100 people. But, then you have to figure that probably 25-50 of those people will want to bring a guest. Plus, if you want to have 100 people, be prepared to have more people show up. It is a party, after all. We all know what happened when our parents were out of town in high school and we told a few friends to come over. Next thing we know half the graduating class is there and the cops are being called. Having the cops called on your wedding is the sign of a true success.

In the true socialist fashion that my bleeding liberal heart believes in (/sarcasm), all I am saying is, if you are going to consummate your marriage you should allow your guests to do all but guarantee getting laid by letting them bring a guest and making sure there is an open bar. If you have to put Rohypnol in the guest bag, so be it. All I am saying is, this is a happy day for you, let it also be a happy day for your guests.