Friday, December 7, 2012

My hunt for a 1

The quest for a real job has led me into some ridiculous emails, awkward conversations with HR and the longest three minute conversation of my life.

An Insurance company has been trying to hire me for what feels like ages. They call and usually I let it go to voice-mail because I do not recognize the number. On this particular day I figured if I am looking for a job I should probably start answering phone calls from strange numbers. This was my first mistake.

The woman on the other end of the phone had an accent I can only describe as a cross between Chinese and Australian. It was obvious she was reading off a script and her words ran together in a fashion that madeitseemlikeshewasjusttryingtogeteverythingoutbeforeIcouldasktoomanyquestionsorhangup. Eventually she got to the point. Apparently, the point of this call is that my sales experience from six years ago is in line with the skills they are looking for, so I was cordially invited to attend a seminar. After all, who doesn't like seminars?!

So, I ask this woman what I would be doing specifically. She rambled on about something, but did not answer my question. I figured there must of have been a breakdown in communication, maybe a language barrier. So, I rephrased my question by asking her what my specific job title would be. Once again, she rambled on in a half coherent fashion and neglected to answer my question.

I knew I couldn't stay on the phone much longer as I had a meeting at my current job, which pays me in real money.  It was a slight relief when she finally invited me the seminar and gave me a date in time. I told her I didn't think I could make it, hoping she would get the hint and hoping I could finish getting ready for my day. Once again, the language barrier must have gotten in the way because she again invited me to the seminar with a different date, hoping to fit my schedule better. This time, I decided to be more blunt and tell her it wasn't about the date and time, it is the job offer that I am not at all interested in, and because I am not a heathen I thanked her and the company for their interest in me.

Before hanging up, she reiterated the growing market of much needed insurance in the Bellevue area and told me if I ever change my mind they would love to have me attend one of their seminars to discuss the growing Bellevue economy and opportunities to work with the elderly to negotiate with pharm companies and some other stuff I couldn't understand due to either a bad phone connection or the strangest accent known to man. 

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